em Does Thirty!

No, I am not turning thirty.

Thirty is a great number. It can indicate the beginning of long term-commitment. A number that is small, yet large as well.

When you go for a thirty minute jog, the time frame is short, but the results are large.

When you do something for thirty days, you’ve managed to go well past the week mark. You’re still quite a bit shy of a year, but it seems much more probably after you’ve stuck with it this long.

Today marks the thirtieth I’ve kept up an exercise regimen. It started one Sunday when I just got up and said, “There’s nothing to do here, let’s go running.” I think I even ran in my converse that day.

I’ve coined the term, thirty-versary, to celebrate every thirty days of commitment to this process.


Now, I would like to take all the credit for the achievements I’ve made in the last thirty days, but, I can’t. My boyfriend has been a huge part in this process as my partner in crime. My youngest son has motivated us to run because of his giggles in the jogging stroller. Last, but certainly not least, I must credit my oldest for showering me with compliments the last thirty days. Hearing that I look beautiful and skinny by someone who would never lie to me definitely inspires me to do better.

I have lost ten pounds since I started running. And two pants sizes.

Thank you to everyone that has encouraged me and here’s to the next thirty-versary!
